5 Steps to Deploying the Best Cybersecurity in your Workplace

Walid Abou-Halloun

Posted by Walid Abou-Halloun Date: Mar 18, 2018 6:00:02 AM

Did you know that on average, 30,000 websites across the globe are hacked every single day?

Contrary to popular belief, hackers don’t discriminate based on company size, geographic location, or even industry. They just attack and hope their victim doesn’t have an active cybersecurity in place.

You’ve worked too hard to just let a hacker ruin your brand in just a few minutes. So, we are giving you a list of the best cybersecurity strategies for your workplace to keep the trust of your clients, brand reputation and prevent any loss of business.

The Five Best Cybersecurity Measures Your Workplace Needs

How can you keep your workplace—and your data—safe from the prying eyes of hackers?

Let’s dig deep into what true cybersecurity in the workplace should look like today. Check out these 5 steps to deploying the best cybersecurity in your workplace.

1. Educate Your Employees

We cannot emphasise this enough: a good security strategy begins with educating your employees. Believe it or not, employee negligence is one of the leading causes of data breaches and other forms of hacking.

We are not suggesting that your employees are all secretly cyber criminals, or that they’re exploiting the sensitive data of your clients. The unfortunate reality is that your employees may not even be aware that the actions they’re taking are putting data at risk.

First of all, instruct your employees to refrain from checking personal email at work, or at least those emails that came from unknown senders.

Many phishing attacks are the result of email scams. If your employee opens an email from a hacker on their work computer, they put your entire network at risk.

Additionally, if you have employees that work outside of the office, make sure you tell them to never connect to a public Wi-Fi network. This opens up your data to all sorts of hackers, as it’s incredibly easy for cyber criminals to log on to those computers remotely and access your sensitive data.

Finally, don’t limit the responsibility of cybersecurity to your IT team, instead, make continuing education about it as a regular part of your company culture. When expectations are clear in the workplace, you can avoid a fair amount of problems and manage the ones that do crop up as soon as possible.

2. Install Anti-Virus Software

It might seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised just how many companies don’t take advantage of one of the best cybersecurity tools out there: anti-virus and anti-malware software.

A fair number of hackers are able to access and even gain control over your network through the installation of viruses and small pieces of software that spy on your network activity. These may even monitor your keystrokes in order to collect your passwords.

Anti-virus software cuts them off at the path and can prevent dangerous, virus-laden automatic downloads from wreaking havoc on your system.

Many viruses disguise themselves as software, and even anti-virus, updates. So, we strongly advise that that you have a skilled and professional team of IT and cybersecurity specialists with the relevant skill sets and experience to ensure that those downloads and updates are indeed authentic.

3. Always Encrypt Your Data

Not only is data encryption one of the best cybersecurity tactics out there, it’s also relatively simple once you really start to look at it.

Data that is ‘encrypted’ will look a lot like a random string of numbers and letters to anyone that’s not authorised to access it. In order to decode or access this data, authorised users will need to have an encryption key.

Only the people who have it can use it. You can also share the key with anyone you’d like to, which makes it much safer to share sensitive data over chat or email.

Usually, in order to access the key, you’ll need to give passwords out to the permitted parties. However, if a hacker gets into your network, even if they break through into your chat history or email, it will look gibberish to them.

Always talk to your team members about the importance of data encryption and explain to your customers why you’d much prefer to communicate with them on a secure network.

Don’t be afraid to penalise employees for not following the rules. Remember, the reputation of your company is at stake.

4. Encourage Frequent Backups

Have you experienced pulling an all-nighter to prepare for a very important presentation the next day, when suddenly your computer crashes and loses all of your hard work?

Imagine that happening, but instead of losing your presentation file, you lose your customer data, financial information, sensitive documents, work presentations, and pretty much everything in between.

What a disaster.

You’ve likely heard countless times that one of the best cybersecurity strategies is to frequently back up your work. While this is certainly true, most companies simply are not backing up their desktop data and websites frequently enough.

Are you running daily backups, several times a day, 365 days a year?

If not, then chances are you are increasing your risk of damage and information loss for not if, but when you experience a cyber-attack. Keep in mind that this isn’t just about getting back to work faster—it’s also about being able to avoid negotiation or threats from hackers who have taken your data hostage.

Often, hackers will hold your website or data hostage, usually demanding a fee in order for you to get it back. However, if you have a full backup of all of your data, you won’t end up in such a problematic situation.

You’ll also be able to increase your website’s uptime and prevent crashes from setting you back for days.

5. Speak to the professionals

In today’s world, even if you follow the above guidelines for creating the best cybersecurity possible for your workplace, the reality is that you’ll likely still be at risk.

Today’s hackers are smarter and more dedicated than ever, and it can be difficult to stay a few steps ahead of them without getting professional help.

Ask yourself:

Do you or your existing employees really have the time, expertise, and technical ability to protect your business’ and clients’ most sensitive data?

Is the expense of hiring an experienced cybersecurity candidate really costlier than losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in business because of a security breach?

And can your company really afford to risk losing the reputation you’ve worked so hard to build when it comes to consumer trust?

With the relatively small and specialised talent pool, finding the right candidate requires specific industry expertise and access to a global talent pool.

Your company will benefit from our global recruitment network, and your data will be secured by some of the brightest minds in the business.

Learn More About The Divy Way

Now you know the five most important steps that you need to take when it comes to getting the best cybersecurity for your workplace.

Spend some time on our website to learn more about the bespoke service models that we can offer your company, and discover what sets us apart from the competition.

Instead of forcing you to accept a one-size-fits-all solution that won’t really work with your company, like most specialised IT recruitment companies do, we consult and workshop with you to learn exactly the type of candidate your business is looking for.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how to protect your company, your clients, your employees, and everything that you’ve worked so hard to create and establish.

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